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Thomas Zellweger

Professor of Mangement & Entrepreneurship, University of St. Gallen

"...I can only recommend the book, get inspired, learn, and become a better founder."

Christian Reiter

CEO Kingfluencers,
Co-Founder Bitspin
(acquired by Google)

"...Its a must-read for anyone starting anything."

Ulf Claesson

Global Technology Executive (ex IBM, ex HP), Board Director, Serial Entrepreneur

"...Startup Secrets Blackbook is the No-Nonsense Guide to test any business idea fast."

Kai Glatt

Entrepreneur of the Year

"...Startup Secrets Blackbook is highly recommended to all who want to test their business idea fast."

Remo Uherek

Value Investor, Blogger, and 
Co-Founder Trigami (acquired by Ebuzzing)

"...The book is practical, inspiring, and offers no-bs advice from a successful entrepreneur."


"The author behind this book is a genius! He has helped me and my boyfriend start to pick the best business route for us that will actually be successful! We have so many business ideas we just didn’t know which one would actually be successful, and now we are on the right track with our trucking company! This book was very easy to understand being that I only have a high school diploma! So I would definitely suggest this book!"
Brittany E., Idaho

"The book is very structured and explains with understandable, clear examples how to start a company. Especially, I like chapter 6, "GoToMarket Plan" and the practical exercises, which are included in the book. I can highly recommend Startup Secrets Blackbook."
Patrick L., Switzerland

"Thank you Dominik for the secrets to starting up my business. I'm a hairstylist and event these tips will help me build my salon one day...A great read!!!!"
Jacquie E., California


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From: Dominik Tarolli
Written In Las Vegas, Nevada

The biggest question for people who want to start a business is: 

How can I start and will my business make enough money?

Every year tens of thousands of business fail, because they don't know how to test a business idea and they don't have the right business tools to plan future business success.

That is a tragedy and that is why the Startup Secrets BlackBook was written. Testing your business ideas is the key to create a successful business.

This book will help you to test your business ideas in seven time-tested steps and can turn your dream into reality.

Seven Secrets StepsThat Almost Nobody Knows About...

WHAT Are The 7 Secret Steps?

Inside of STARTUP SECRETS BLACKBOOK, We Will Be Sharing With You The Secret 7 Steps To Test Any Business Idea Fast! Here's A Sneak Peak At What You Will Discover Inside Of Your FREE COPY Of This Brand New Secret Playbook:

Step #1: Are You An Entrepreneur?

  • Smarter #1: Here is the truth: Most people don't see themselves as entrepreneurs.
  • ​Smarter #2: Each Year, 400,00 - 500,000 new business are started in the U.S. alone. The average founder in the U.S. is male, between 40 - 59 years old, and has an associate degree.
  • Smarter #3: Learn how one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world was arrested in New Mexico on reckless driving charges.
  • ​Smarter #4: Take the test: Are You An Entrepreneur? Answer ten questions in the following about your personality, finances, and execution qualities. The test gives a good indication of whether you are a natural-born entrepreneur or not.

Step #2: Your Big Dream

  • Smarter #5: A great vision can create a "fire" for the "big mission" that not only inspires you . It can also become a powerful self-fulfilling prophecy for you and your family, employees, partners, stakeholders, etc.
  • ​Smarter #6: "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss it, you will and among the starts." Discover some of the key questions that you should ask yourself before you create the vision.
  • ​Smarter #7: Create your own vision with the "Vision Statement Generator" Business Tool and inspire your customers, family, employees, and stakeholders.

Step #3: Your Dream Customer

  • Smarter #8: Step number 3 is definitely the most important chapter in your journey to start your own company - it's about your dream customer.
  • ​Smarter #9: Your dream customer makes all the difference and you will can read the story how my own startup Procedural Inc. almost went bankrupt in a perfect storm with no money, (almost) no customers, and a high burn rate.
  • ​Smarter #10: You will discover a quick three-step process to great data for free that you will use in your "Dream Customer Avatar" business tool.
  • Smarter #11: As a bonus, you will get the business tools "Top 25 Websites", "Top 25 Key Words", "Top 25 Events", and "Top 25 Influencers" in this crucial step.

Step #4: Pitch, Pitch, Pitch

  • Smarter #12: Boom. Mic drop. Nothing to add. Learn from the amazing start-up guru Guy Kawasaki how to create the perfect Elevator Pitch with the "Powerful Elevator Pitch Formula" business tool.
  • ​Smarter #13: Guy Kawasaki:"I am not a big believer in business plans. They are primarily full of bull. I think you make a judgement in about 30 seconds and that is an elevator pitch. If you like the pitch, the business plan doesn't matter and if you don't like the pitch, the plan doesn't matter. Basically the business plan doesn't matter."
  • ​Smarter #14: Discover how to pitch anything in 60 seconds or less and create your own message map with the "Message Map" business tool.

Step #5: The Fear of Failure

  • Smarter #15: Fear of Failure is real, very strong, and sometimes even overwhelming. But you have a choice, you have choice that you can control. You can either deal with fear as "Forget Everything And Run" or you can also "Face Everything And Rise".
  • ​Smarter #16: Over the last twenty-five years, 7-9% of businesses close every year according to U.S. Census data published by the SBA. If you look at all the reports and data that are available on the internet, there is this one devastating "Number 1 Business Business Killer" that we will discuss in the book.
  • ​Smarter #17: You will discover the one business tool you can't afford to ignore. You are in for some big surprises, if you don't understand these basic risks & opportunities.

Step #6: Your GoToMarket Plan

  • Smarter #18: Planning lesson number one: It always takes longer than you expect and twice as much money than you have planned.
  • ​Smarter #19: You will bring everything together in step number 6 and you will create your own GoToMarket plan on one page with the "GoToMarket Strategy" business tool.

Step #7: Your Big Decision

  • Smarter #20: Find out and read the story how I was casted an appeared in the James Bond movie "Quantum of Solace" as an extra, when 007 was walking to the to the concert hall at the opera in Bregenz, Austria.
  • ​Smarter #21: The last business tool in the book is called the "Decision Board". It goes through six very specific start-up topics to guide and help you with your big decision.

And Now It's YOUR Turn...

I Want To Help You Get Started And Test Your Business Idea With The 7 Secret Steps.

As I mentioned before, this secret playbook is free. I'll pay for the book and all I ask is that you help me 
cover the shipping and handling cost and we'll send it anywhere in the world! If you would prefer
to listen to the audiobook or read it on a Kindle, iBook, or PDF I also have it for sale for a small fee once you put your information in below...

WHO Should Read This Book?

The Startup Secrets Blackbook is the secret playbook to test any business ideas fast. The book bridges latest entrepreneurship research, entertainment, and actionable business tools. The book  and does not require any prior entrepreneurship/business knowledge. Sceptic? Here is the prove:

BUT....Here Is The Truth...

Most People Don't See Themselves As Entrepreneurs...


Probably not. Is your inner voice telling you:

  • You Don't Know How To Start A Business - It's Too Complicated!
  • You Don't Have What It Takes To Start A Business - It's Really Hard!!
  • You Don't Know How To Attract Customers - It's Way Too Risky!!!

Starting A Successful Business Is Only For Rocket Scientists, Little Einsteins, And The Rare Breed Of Natural-Born Entrepreneurs But Certainly Not For You!


Each Year, 400,000 - 500,000 New Business Are Started In The U.S. Alone. The Average Founder In The U.S. Is Male, Between 40 and 59 Years Old, And Has An Associate Degree. 

So Much For The Rocket Scientists And The Little Einsteins.

Businesses in every industry imaginable can benefit from STARTUP SECRETS BLACKBOOK:

  • Coaching 
  • Consulting
  • Information Products
  • ​Retail
  • ​eCommerce
  • Local Small Business
  • Food & Restaurant
  • Construction & Contracting
  • ​Blogging /Affiliates
  • ​Just Getting Started...

What Are Others Already Saying About
Startup Secrets BlackBook?

Rinaldo Dieziger (Writer, Entrepreneur, Supertext.com)

"Startup Secrets Blackbook is a professional, personal, and practical guide that prepares you for a journey nobody is ever prepared for."

Roman Balzan (Serial Entrepreneur, ex Lime, ex Google)

"Startup Secrets Blackbook is an excellent book for soon to be entrepreneurs as it touches all basics of founding your own company and shows you the pitfalls you need to manoeuvre around."


"After working with more than 300 companies during his four-year term as a senior manager at Venturelab, Dominik Tarolli established his own company Procedural Inc. in 2008. Together with three co-founders, they developed the CityEngine software based on technology that spun-out from the ETH Zurich. The company was sold to US-based Esri in 2011 where he has served ever since. "

"Fascinating about the book are the various tests, exercises, guidelines and frameworks."

"What makes this book special is that there is an entrepreneurial person speaking to the readers. You can feel his passion and he gets straight to the point"

As You Can See...

Testing Your Business Idea Is The Key
To Create A Successful Business.

The Question Is Now, Are You Ready?

Claim Your FREE Book Now and
Get These FREE Bonuses!

Bonus #1 - Smarterpreneurship Season #1

"Learn From The Struggles, Hurdles, Throwbacks, and Tips From Real Entrepreneurs"

Total Value: $197.00

When you get your copy of STARTUP SECRETS BLACKBOOK, I'm going to give you Season #1 of Smarterpreneurship with Roman "Balzhino" Balzan a Swiss Smartpreneur.

You can start watching now, while you wait for your STARTUP SECRETS BLACKBOOK to arrive.

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Bonus #2 - 6 Questions Before You Start Anything Business Tool

"Don't Start Anything, Before You Have Not Answered These 6 Questions."

Total Value: $97.00

The next FREE bonus is the business tool "6 Questions Before You Start Anything". If you don't answer these questions now - it could cost you much later.

I have used these 6 questions as a foundation to start my start-up Procedural Inc., that we have sold after 3 years to Esri Inc. (one of the biggest private software companies in the world).

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of

Bonus #3 - YouTube Secrets Deconstructed eBook

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And last, YouTube is already the world's second largest search engine. Almost a third of all the people on the internet are on YouTube.

Learn how Tim Ferriss, Salesforce, Shopify, Tony Robbins, and Apple Leverage the Power of YouTube. For each channel, we deconstruct and discuss their YouTube Secrets, so that You can leverage it for your own business success.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of

Oh, and in case you're wondering...


You might have had bad experiences with some websites out there that offered you first something cool for free, but then stick you into some program that charges your card every month

This IS NOT one of them.

There is NO HIDDEN "subscription program" - and in case you are wondering why I'm doing this...

Well, there are actually a few reasons...

  • I Love Startups. My Passion Is Startups. 
  • Because (unlike other "guru's") I don't make my money teaching others how to make money...so because of that, it doesn't hurt me to share with you my best stuff. 
  • Over the past 25 years, I've had the really rare opportunity to work with hundreds of the smartest and most successful startups as well as entrepreneurs around the world, in every market you can dream of. It's my way of giving back and being grateful for the opportunities I had.

But Time Is Of The Essence...

Here is why...

We have only printed a few hundred copies of this book, and when they're gone...the are gone!

If this page is still here, then the offer is live i.e. we still have some book left to give away for free. But since I don't make money teaching others how to make money, I reserve the right to pull the site down any time.


100% guarantee that you'll love this book, or I'll return your $6.95 shipping.

Just e-mail me your receipt and I'll give back your money with no questions asked.

Sound fair?

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So
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Before They Are All Gone...

Thank you so much for taking the time to read until the end and

Have a successful week.

Kind regards, Dominik Tarolli

PS: In case you just skipped to the end of the site, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you "STARTUP SECRETS BLACKBOOK - The Secret PlayBook To Test Any Idea Fast" for FREE. Yes, this playbook is free, and all you pay is $9,95 US or $19.95 International Shipping & Handling. 

There is no catch...no tricks...no gimmicks...You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some recurring program or anything like that.

In fact, if you don't love the book - I will even refund your shipping & handling costs.

So, CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to get your FREE copy now. You will love it!!!

This book  does not dispense business advice, only offers information of a general nature to help you in your quest for business success. This book is not designed to be a definitive guide nor to take the place of advice from a qualified professional. There is no guarantee that the methods suggested in this book will be successful, owing to the risk that is involved in business of almost any kind. Thus, the author assumes no liability for any losses that may be sustained by the use of the methods described in this book, and any such liability is hereby expressly disclaimed. In the event you use any of the information of this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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